Foods to Avoid
- Artificial Sweeteners: Splenda, Equal
- Cool Whip
- Crisco
- Dead milk - even if it is Organic! Pasteurization destroys carrier proteins which pass into the blood stream and creates "leaky gut", the Wulzen Factor which protects against arthritis, and oxidizes cholesterol, which can initiate the process of atherosclerosis, thickening of artery walls. Homogenization is even more dangerous.
- Dried milk - contain carcinogens in the process of spray drying
- Egg Beaters
- Fruit Juices - contain pesticides, some pesticides include fluoride, and temperature-resistant fungi and molds can remain in the juice even after the high-temperature pasteurization process. Soy protein and pectin is added so the juice remains opaque and the sugar content is very high and have been more detrimental to the teeth of animals in studies than soda. Orange Juice, for example:
"The entire orange is squeezed and goes into the tank, which means that neurotoxic cholinesterase inhibitor pesticide sprays on the peel end up in the juice. Although the juice is pasteurized under high temperatures and pressures, pressure-resistent and temperature-resistant fungi and molds can remain in the juice. Many mutagenic factors have been detected in commercial orange juice. A compound made of soy protein and pectin is added to orange juice so that it remains opaque and doesn’t settle" (Soft Drinks: Americas Other Drinking Problem).
- Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)
- Margarine - a contributor to cancer (Mary G. Enig, PhD)
- Rice milks - highly processed and contain emulsifiers, synthetic vitamin D (toxic), sweeteners
- SmartBalance and any other derivatives
- Soda - causes gastrointestinal (GI) distress. Ingredients (see Ingredients to Avoid list below for more information): High fructose corn syrup, aspartame, caffeine, phosphoric acid, citric acid, artificial flavors, water.
- Soy
- Sports Drinks - Three problems:
"First, most soft drinks are diuretics, meaning they squeeze liquids out of the body, thus exacerbating dehydration instead of correcting it. Second, most people actually lose few electrolytes during exercise. After exercise the body is usually in an electrolyte load having lost more fluids than electrolytes. If sweating has been profuse, electrolytes can be replaced by drinking a lacto-fermented beverage or pure mineral water, which contains a proper ratio of minerals (electrolytes), and by eating a healthy diet containing Celtic sea salt. Third, when we give sugar-laden drinks to dehydrated kids, the high sugar content requires that blood be sent to the stomach to digest it. This fluid shift can lower the blood volume in other parts of the body making them more susceptible to cramps and heat-related illnesses" (Soft Drinks: Americas Other Drinking Problem).
- Velveeta
- Wonder Bread
Ingredients to Avoid
- Agave Nectar - "a manmade sweetener which has been through a complicated chemical refining process of enzymatic digestion that converts the starch and fiber into the unbound, manmade chemical fructose. While high fructose agave syrup won’t spike your blood glucose levels, the fructose in it may cause mineral depletion, liver inflammation, hardening of the arteries, insulin resistance leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and obesity" (Agave Nectar: Worse Than We Thought).
- Artificial Flavors - may contain MSG
- Aspartame, also known as "Equal, NutraSweet, Spoonful." A potent neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor. One of the ingredients, the amino acid phenylalanine, blocks production of serotonin, a nerve chemical that, among other activities, controls food cravings. ...A shortage of serotonin will make your brain and body scream for the foods that create more of this brain chemical—and those are the high-calorie, carbohydrate-rich snacks that can sabotage a dieter. Obviously, the more aspartame one ingests, the more heightened the effects. Simply put, aspartame appears to muddle the brain chemistry" (Aspartame Diet-astrous Results). Side effects include: headaches, memory loss, slurred speech and vision problems.
- Binders
- Caffeine - stimulates the adrenal gland without providing nourishment. In large amounts, caffeine can lead to adrenal exhaustion, especially in children.
- Calcium Disodium EDTA: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, known as EDTA, is a chemical salt used to separate heavy metals from dyes and other substances. This form appears in foods and cosmetic products to prevent air from spoiling them by introducing unwanted oxygen into the products' molecular structures. Calcium dixodium EDTA is toxic to humans in high amounts.
- Canola oil - a name for genetically modified rape seed, industrially processed liquid oil, oxidation index 5.5
- Citric Acid - often contains traces of MSG, a neurotoxin.
- Corn Oil - industrially processed liquid oil, oxidation index 6.2
- Corn Syrup - made from the starch of maize and composed mainly of glucose. In fact, the term Glucose Syrup is used interchangeably with Corn Syrup.
- Cottonseed oil - industrially processed liquid oil
- Dipotassium Phosphate: a highly water-soluble salt often used as a fertilizer, food additive, and buffering agent. Used in non-dairy creamers to prevent coagulation.
- Emulsifiers
- Fats and oils - (especially vegetable oils) heated to very high temperatures in processing and frying; causes oxidation, rancidity (therefore, suspect of carcinogens) and formation of free radicals. i.e. canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, and other oils high in polyunsaturated fats. EXCEPTIONS: beef tallow (oxidation index 0.86), lard (1.7), ghee, other animal fats, tropical oils like coconut oil (0.24).
- Fluoride - hydrofluorosilicic acid, the industrial waste product from the manufacturing of phosphate fertilizers and aluminum, contaminated with lead and arsenic. Before being put in water and toothpaste, it was dumped in rivers, resulting in dead fish and deformed cows (Christopher Bryson, The Flouride Deception).
- High fructose corn syrup - "Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies" (Agave Nectar: Worse Than We Thought). "Now used in preference to sugar, is associated with poor development of collagen in growing animals, especially in the context of copper deficiency. All fructose must be metabolized by the liver. Animals on high-fructose diets develop liver problems similar to those of alcoholics" (Soft Drinks: America's Other Drinking Problem).
- Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils - these are trans fats and severely damaged fats.
- Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) - used to enhance flavors of thousands of food products and extend shelf life. If mixed with spices it may be listed as "natural smoke flavor" or "natural flavors." Products containing this type of labeling may also be labeled as "No MSG" but it is completely untrue. This product was recalled in the largest FDA recall in March 2010.
- Mono and Diglycerides: emulsifying agents - they are both hydrophilic (attract water) and hyrdophobic (repel water), so they are soluble in both water AND fat. They are used to keep oils from separating out of products and used to increase shelf life - the same reasons trans fats are used in most products. Unique, not necessarily natural.
- Monosodium glutamate (MSG) - a neurotoxin
- Phosphoric Acid - added to give soft drinks "bite," is associated with calcium loss, digestive issues and teeth rot.
- Preservatives
- Safflower oil - industrially processed liquid oil, oxidation index 7.6
- Soybean oil - industrially processed liquid oil, oxidation index 7.0
- Soy lecithin
"a waste product containing residues of solvents and pesticides and has a consistency ranging from a gummy fluid to a plastic solid. The color of lecithin ranges from a dirty tan to reddish brown. Manufacturers therefore subject lecithin to a bleaching process to turn it into a more appealing light yellow hue. The hexane extraction process commonly used in soybean oil manufacture today yields less lecithin than the older ethanol-benzol process, but produces a more marketable lecithin with better color, reduced odor and less bitter flavor" (Kaala T. Daniel, The Whole Soy Story).
- Sugar
- Vegetable oils - contributor to cancer (Mary G. Enig, PhD).
- Vitamin A (artificial): toxic with excess. Overdosing leads to adverse physiological reactions. Typically added to low fat milk and other dairy products to replace the vitamin content lost through the removal of milk. High doses of retinyl palmitate has been shown to accelerate cancer in lab animals.
- Water, containing fluoride (see "fluoride" above).